Social Science: All efforts ( personal, emotional, economical, political, social and futuristic based) are towards Fulfillment and are worth, sustain and enable development due to Spirit of Truth ( God) prevalent in it; Not opting for God and it's Pursuers , allows it's Opposite spiritual energies and effects . God ( immortal Spiritual energy of Truth with certain Predetermined norms) will exist even if no one else does or if none accepts Him. Spirit of Truth is Eternal and Self-sufficient by Intrinsic nature : thus, true Sages know it is about "Correctness" and not the Numbers who follow them. How ' god ' is understood and whether it's truly so , affects : Character, Manifested energy ( words, deeds, intent), Choices in every Arena , Personal and Social decency and Order , enables due and just protection of the Innocent, ensures we are not rendering our Faith and efforts to an imperfect bein...
Prior reposing one's Trust ( a natural Instinctiality) in someone, something or while planning ( present, future) , there are Certain specific Qualities that one would consider in regard Trustworthiness : 1) Abiding faithfulness 2) Free of faults and it's Potential 3) Capability of sustained Relationship 4) Strength 5) Actuality of Being 6) Trueness in practical and Theory 7) Self-existent, and thus, Self-sufficient ( not a selfish Being who makes Friends or Family merely to lessen one's own loneliness and deficiencies). The "God" we want to place our Faith in, had to be Worthy of all our Love. Scientific Spiritual Truths are a Process with Justifiable Results: Introspection and Sanctity enable this.
Existence of " god " ( Immortal pure spirit energy ): People believe in a "god" due to: Love and Knowledge experienced from Family, friends, experiences , art ; Purity of own or another's Conscience; From created Order ( Cause Effect Phenomenon); Certain specific manifestations , considered as Supernatural; Continual and Supporting spirit Pneuma breath that enables mortality to be; That the spirit Pneuma breath energy has a Source, is Enabling for existence and Continues ( departed, but yet existent; Spirit not breathing in being's body , but is breathing elsewhere ) after passing away. (Energy is always preserved).