Social Science: All efforts ( personal, emotional, economical, political, social and futuristic based) are towards Fulfillment and are worth, sustain and enable development due to Spirit of Truth ( God) prevalent in it; Not opting for God and it's Pursuers , allows it's Opposite spiritual energies and effects . God ( immortal Spiritual energy of Truth with certain Predetermined norms) will exist even if no one else does or if none accepts Him. Spirit of Truth is Eternal and Self-sufficient by Intrinsic nature : thus, true Sages know it is about "Correctness" and not the Numbers who follow them. How ' god ' is understood and whether it's truly so , affects : Character, Manifested energy ( words, deeds, intent), Choices in every Arena , Personal and Social decency and Order , enables due and just protection of the Innocent, ensures we are not rendering our Faith and efforts to an imperfect bein...